Forehead Lift Surgery

Te forehead occupies the upper third of the face and has intricate dynamic relations with the brow and upper eyelid. Because of the number of expression muscles in the forehead and exposure to sun, it is affected by the aging process early in life (early thirties).
Understanding The Surgery
Forehead lift is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. During forehead lift, the muscles are weakened and the skin is tightened. This is currently done using endoscopes through small incision in the hair baring sclap. During such procedure suspension of the lateral aspect of the brow is performed in order to decrease the degree of brow ptosis. Attention is made to avoid excessive lifting of the brow. The type of surgery performed, the muscles weakened and the degree of pull differs from one patient to the other. Depending on the size of the forehead, a wide forehead incision is made in front of the hairline or behind it resulting in lengthening of the short ones.
What To Expect After The Surgery ?
Patient will have some swelling and bruising for a period of around 10-days following surgery. Patient will be asked to sleep with the head elevated in order to decrease the swelling. Depending on the extent of the surgery numbness around the site of the surgery may be present.  Sutures or staples are removed after 10 days. Patients can take a gentle shower after four days afier  surgery.
Many times a brow lift is combined with a Blepharoplasty or face lift . The postoperative instructions are changed accordingly.