Fat Grafting

Fat grafting involves removing fat from one’s own abdomen or thighs to put into certain regions of the face that start to lose fat. Only tiny amounts of fat are removed so this should not be equated with liposuction. Using blunt small cannulae the fat is injected as little droplets throughout the areas of facial hollowness. By using this microdroplet technique, grafted fat has a much higher blood supply improving its survival.

Volume restoration for the face also adds more light to the face, which in turn can make the skin look more radiant. Adding fat back to the face can even begin to help the skin texture and tone through what is thought to be a stem-cell response that the skin undergoes over areas of transplanted fat.
Following fat injection, mild swelling is present for a period of few days. The volume restoration should not be excessive. Around 20-30% of the fat injected in the face stays. This requires complementary treatment after one to two years.
Around the eye, fat grafting plays a good role in restoring volume and decreasing the effects of aging. But it needs to be performed in a conservative fashion to avoid ridging and pocketing.